So last night while Josh (fiancé) and I were praying, I asked that God would PLEASE show me where my 5lb. and 10lb. weights were(I know! Weird prayer, huh? But I promise you that there were more critical things that we prayed for like safety for his two young boys while they were over at grandma and grandpa’s house.) so that I could start strengthening my back and neck, (now that I finally go to the chiropractor only once a week instead of three), hopefully relieving the horrible tension and pain from my neck and spine, finally relieving my horrible (and stupid) headaches. Really bad headaches EVERY SINGLE DAY that don’t go away with any pain medication has really got to stop. Not that lifting weights will stop the pain, but it will stimulate my muscles in a different way—causing them to be “tense” in a different way. And believe me! I have prayed over and over to God to release the pain, because really, after seeing the x-rays, there just isn’t any other way unless I took really, REALLY strong prescription drugs—which just medicate and don’t actually fix the problem.
So this morning I looked in all the SAME places that I have for the past 6 months and what do ya know? I found my 10lbs weights in an old purple trash can from when all of us 7 girls (I live in a house with six other girls from my church) moved from our Redmond house!! YAY! It’s been so long, that I don’t even know how much I’ll even be able to lift 10lbs. Okay God—I’ll probably really need to find my 5lbs weights for my weak muscles. ☺
And the search continued. As I…..Oh Wait!!! And I found my Bruce Almighty video tape in the trash can also! ….Anyways, as I walked into the house to share the good news with Hannah and Jen, my eyes caught a glance of my 5lbs hidden behind boxes! Yay again…I need to call Josh!
Hmmm…what else?
WELL~~I’m glad you asked!
God is so cool!! It’s not because He gives us stuff, but it’s because I know He’s real and that He’s truly listening, watching, and planning to keep me safe!...However, God still reaches us and talks to us on even our lowly human level, still providing for us. God provided Josh with a bonus!! It’ll pay for our honeymoon and then my parents, some how (I think God must have given it to them ☺ ), transferred money into my account for wedding costs! I pray that God blesses them so much!
~~God, it’s so easy to sit here and come up with a wish list of things I want, but that is not what it’s all about. It’s about You, my Lord who has saved me, who loves me and who won’t ever abandon me (even though at times, I accuse You of it).
I pray that I will continue to grow into the fullness of Your love, so that I am one with You and can be one with others, leaving my selfish thoughts behind me as I see the things You desire to show me. I do not want my love to be hypocritical—I want it fervent and strong with Your Spirit, serving and loving those around me.
6He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we
live or die, we belong to the Lord.
Romans 14 (New International Version)