What Would Heather Do?

Location: Bellevue, Washington

I was inspired to start a blog by one of my friends...who became my best friend...and then became my husband! I sometimes write poetry and thought that it would look nicer on a blog than scribbled in my notebook. Eh-HEM...And more about me....I love God and try my best to love those around me. It isn't always easy, but hey! God knows, right?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

If we don’t dream…

Dreaming keeps us:
~afraid—it shouldn’t but it can
~holding our breath

…Dreaming keeps us Hoping.

God places desires in our hearts…Big Dreams as some of us call those desires. And to most, these Big Dreams seem impossible to reach. Sometimes we think we’re not good enough to have this or to be like that…and most of us let go of those big dreams, truly believing that they, themselves are not worth it…Perhaps maybe even feeling like they are not worth anything to anyone at all. And slowly, they slip away, their gazes downward, with muffled tears, and with a sunken heart, they continue on their journey through their miserable life, never even daring themselves to dream once more before they die.

But those dreams still exist, even among the darkest shadow in the black of the night. God is still with them there, brilliantly shining, reminding them of that Big Dream, asking them to not let go of it, forgetting all about that special desire.

That desire….or “Big Dream,” is there to keep us hoping in Him (knowing that we cannot accomplish it on our own). It’s there to keep us safe! To keep us focused!
And to bring us LIFE!

We take a step towards that desire, and then without even a warning, we slip back two steps. WHO CARES!

“Keep dreaming!
Keep hoping!
Keep asking Me!”

“I put that dream there! I put the impossibles in your life so that you could see My Possibilities in your life so that you would know how much I love you! That Big Dream is Mine for you—and there will be more of them and they will keep you coming to Me.”

“Do what I have asked you. Do not settle, do not lose hope! Ask Me to sustain you to help you reach your dreams, and you will see that I love you! You will see My promises unfold in your life, if only you would pursue…

Pursue your dreams with Me, and you will change and grow! You will be stronger! More radiant! More lovely, shining even brighter in the dark world, because you seek Me! Know Me. Come and see just how BIG your dreams really are!”


I got this thing about dreaming and how it leads to God and how He uses dreams/desires in our lives. When we close up the dreaming in our lives, we seem to drift away from God…well, more like drifting from REALLY Knowing {the real} Him in our lives—even us Christians do it all the time. If we aren’t dreaming, then we’re relying on ourselves, more than likely. And slowly, we can see our love for God, our desires, hope, faith, and respect for God, go out the window. We need to close the window and trap those dreams in our hearts and dream with the Creator.

When people get scared to dream big—and don’t ask God to help them…people risk being afraid to pursue their Faith in God’s promises and forget who God really is, our Father.

This “thought” came to mind last night some time…maybe the day before, but I can’t really remember. I went to tell Josh about it, but couldn’t remember anything more than big dreams. Knowing that it was probably important, I asked God to remind me if it was. After worship this morning at church, I hopped down from the stage and remembered it. I was half way through it when Dave Brunk started preaching about not settling for the bronze, but going for the gold. Hmm.... coincidence? Ha! probably not!

God wants us to believe His promises. And Dave reminded me of how Jesus was always being backed up with miracles: the blind being healed to see, the lame to walk, and the deaf to hear again. Expect from God.
Isaiah 45:18-19 (New Living Translation)
18For the LORD is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos.

"I am the LORD," he says, "and there is no other. 19I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner so no one can understand what I mean. And I did not tell the people of Israel[a] to ask me for something I did not plan to give. I, the LORD, speak only what is true and right."

Friday, November 11, 2005

My New Outfit...Doesn't quite fit yet, but someday, It'll be a perfect fit, just as it was designed to.

So, my "new outfit" would include lots of smiles and hugs: for my two new sons, lots and lots of smiles and hugs and kisses for my new husband (no, I wasn't married before. this is my first --and only--marriage=newness all around), and lots of God's love, patience, understanding, and wisdom. Wow, quite an outfit, huh? Being married, but especially being a parent, creates all kinds of areas in your life that Christ needs to make new and complete. For instance, kids can definitely be a pain in the butt. When they're bad, you have to not get angry and explain to them over and over again why their choice was not a good choice. But kids can also be a blessing, in fact, they are all blessings, no matter what kind of packages they come in or what kind of life they've had, but in every single one of them, God has created opportunity for all of us adults to grow. Kids easily discover our weaknesses--the exact ones that God wants us to change, of a matter of fact. And God expects us to ask Him for His strength and wisdom, mercy and love.... and patience as He works us out of un-lovely attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors so that we can fit perfectly into our new outfits.

When you're married, you have the other person next to you to encourage you as God shapes you, while you do the same for them. As parents, it is your responsibility to model Christ's love and acceptance, even through discipline..... You know, like iron sharpening iron.

Anywho, we are all in some type of mess, out of shape, needing help, aren't we? But, what a glorious adventure it is to have our personal trainer to be a God full of love, patience, grace, and understanding.... and forgiveness, but the only reason He can offer all of that to us while never looking back on the things we've done or looking forward to the things we'll do, just living every moment to moment with us is because of Love. God is Love. We didn't earn it, shoot, couldn't ever earn it, nor does He expect us to. We all have different paths with God--different speeds in which we grow in faith.... different ways in that we all chose to have faith in Him...to have hope in Him. Some people believe in Him so quickly and easily, never questioning His existence, moving on quite fast with a life of Faith in Him, while others question God for a long time, even up to their death beds, finally believing Him with their last breath (like my grandpa)...and God loves us all the same! Because again, we place our values and conditions on Him...well, we try to hold God to our conditions, but that's just the thing. God doesn't condemn, He just loves and accepts---no conditions what so ever. There is no contract. Why can't we understand the no conditions thing? God will love us fully and completely, totally in love with you, His creation, and He will not lessen in His love for you.... or for your ex-best friend, as you make mistakes, feel anger, hatred, or curse Him. He always holds onto His love for you.... whether you chose to love, trust, and believe in Him.... no contract. Just Free for you. He already picked up the tab.

So, He was thinking about you one day, in fact, He still is, and He was thinking that your clothes looked a little ratty...you know, kind of dingy. Ya, you've tried to keep your clothes clean--you wash them time to time to get out impurities, but you know, sometimes you just keep stepping into the same pile of pooh.... or, if you live in Western Washington, such as myself, you'll probably keep falling into that really, REALLY gross puddle that's been there for months---so you just wash away and use lots of Stain Stick on your clothes..... But God was looking at your clothes, thinking that as clean as you try to keep 'em they're still pretty worn..looking as though you may have even tried to sew up a hole or two..... Maybe three.

So, He waits on you to take notice of your unclean state, waiting for you to ask Him to take you shopping! Yay! Most of us do, and what do you know, He presents us with a new outfit. You walk over to your new outfit shocked!
"God! You must be kid'n me? There is no way that I can fit into that! Do You think this is FUNNY?"
He smiles. .... Keeps on smiling........ still smiling......Man! It's actually getting kind of annoying with Him just smiling at you.... so you turn back around, walk over to the outfit, and pick it up.

You like the way your new outfit feels. It's really quite soft and cozy..... A thought of calmness comes to mind. You run your hand down the seems. Your outfit is sewn to the highest of quality! In fact, the fabric, as soft as it is, feels like it's reinforced..... A thought of safety, almost like a safety that comes from armor comes to your mind. "Ah!"..... God’s still smiling at you!....."What is going on? " You think to yourself.

"I'll tell you, My child," God answers. Which is kinda weird cuz you didn't ask Him...you only thought it to yourself.
"You asked for something new, and so I Am showing it to you," God continues. "You wonder how you'll fit into it, but all you have to do is believe that I want this for you. Hmmmm...In fact, I'll bet you're curious enough to take it off the hanger..... And that, My child, that curiosity will begin to build faith.... which will in fact bring you more belief as you begin to trust Me...That I bring to you Truth."

"As you slip on your new covering that I have made for you, you will see that it'll begin to mold to you." God said.
So, I did what I have wanted to for so long, realizing that this new outfit has been in my closet for a really long time, actually, but I had just ignored it, cuz I couldn't ever see the need to put on something new...I was used to my old, snug pair of pants. It wasn’t until today that I dared to dream of possibly owning a new set of clothes--a little flashier than the ones I had on. I still don't know why it happened today, and not 10 yrs. ago....
"Because you've always believed you couldn't Hope.... someone has been telling you that you are just what you are--all that you see in that mirror," God interrupted," But out of sadness, all alone, you dared to dream that you were magnificent! Elegant! Lovely! Full of Splendor!..... And you began to see only a small portion of what I see, because, My child, you are all of those, and so very much more!"

So, today was the day that I believed that I am to be so much more. Now, I don't dare try to define what that means on my own. More than likely, I’ll just put conditions to how magnificent, elegant, lovely, and full of splendor that I can be.

I've been wearing my new outfit for many years now, and you know what? As weird as it felt the first time wearing it, every second that it was on, I felt more like me than I ever had before. The outfit was a little loose in places, while snug in others, but every day, choice, circumstance, word, and thought gave me opportunity to build my shape so that the outfit fit better.

It was my new life, with many new days, many new roles, with many new choices for me to choose, with many new opportunities to love others, many new words to speak over someone's life.... with many new sorrows to hand over to my fashion Designer, and with many new joys and a heck of a lot more laughter and peace to share with all. And you know what? My new outfit fits pretty well now, however, there are very special washing directions for this type of material that require some things that I'm still not used to. But.... oh well. Life isn't always easy now, is it?

My newest outfit is one especially designed for a wife and mother of two very lively sons. God has to repair my outfit a lot...but as time goes by, and I let Him reinforce it, this newest outfit, --which seems to be the latest craze among women my age...well, maybe not the special mommy ad-on feature ;) -- will fit snugger and tighter as I get better in shape.

Ephesians 4

17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.

20 You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. 21Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26"In your anger do not sin"[d]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold. 28He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Monday, November 07, 2005

It’s Because He Is

Because of You…
Because of You…
These words echo in the depths of my heart.
Can you hear them?

No more “on my own”
No more “my pain”
No more “my tears”
…Because of You…

I can’t understand…
Can you hear these words?
Quick! What did He say?

I wouldn’t accept …Him.

Be still!
S I L E N C E !
…Because of You…

Can you hear these words?

No! I don’t blame You.
I made the choice…
Do You hear me?
I choose You…

Yes! I hear these words…
I get it…these are Your Words.
It’s because You are that I am.
Because of You…
