If we don’t dream…

Dreaming keeps us:
~afraid—it shouldn’t but it can
~holding our breath
…Dreaming keeps us Hoping.
God places desires in our hearts…Big Dreams as some of us call those desires. And to most, these Big Dreams seem impossible to reach. Sometimes we think we’re not good enough to have this or to be like that…and most of us let go of those big dreams, truly believing that they, themselves are not worth it…Perhaps maybe even feeling like they are not worth anything to anyone at all. And slowly, they slip away, their gazes downward, with muffled tears, and with a sunken heart, they continue on their journey through their miserable life, never even daring themselves to dream once more before they die.
But those dreams still exist, even among the darkest shadow in the black of the night. God is still with them there, brilliantly shining, reminding them of that Big Dream, asking them to not let go of it, forgetting all about that special desire.
That desire….or “Big Dream,” is there to keep us hoping in Him (knowing that we cannot accomplish it on our own). It’s there to keep us safe! To keep us focused!
And to bring us LIFE!
We take a step towards that desire, and then without even a warning, we slip back two steps. WHO CARES!
“Keep dreaming!
Keep hoping!
Keep asking Me!”
“I put that dream there! I put the impossibles in your life so that you could see My Possibilities in your life so that you would know how much I love you! That Big Dream is Mine for you—and there will be more of them and they will keep you coming to Me.”
“Do what I have asked you. Do not settle, do not lose hope! Ask Me to sustain you to help you reach your dreams, and you will see that I love you! You will see My promises unfold in your life, if only you would pursue…
Pursue your dreams with Me, and you will change and grow! You will be stronger! More radiant! More lovely, shining even brighter in the dark world, because you seek Me! Know Me. Come and see just how BIG your dreams really are!”
I got this thing about dreaming and how it leads to God and how He uses dreams/desires in our lives. When we close up the dreaming in our lives, we seem to drift away from God…well, more like drifting from REALLY Knowing {the real} Him in our lives—even us Christians do it all the time. If we aren’t dreaming, then we’re relying on ourselves, more than likely. And slowly, we can see our love for God, our desires, hope, faith, and respect for God, go out the window. We need to close the window and trap those dreams in our hearts and dream with the Creator.
When people get scared to dream big—and don’t ask God to help them…people risk being afraid to pursue their Faith in God’s promises and forget who God really is, our Father.
This “thought” came to mind last night some time…maybe the day before, but I can’t really remember. I went to tell Josh about it, but couldn’t remember anything more than big dreams. Knowing that it was probably important, I asked God to remind me if it was. After worship this morning at church, I hopped down from the stage and remembered it. I was half way through it when Dave Brunk started preaching about not settling for the bronze, but going for the gold. Hmm.... coincidence? Ha! probably not!
God wants us to believe His promises. And Dave reminded me of how Jesus was always being backed up with miracles: the blind being healed to see, the lame to walk, and the deaf to hear again. Expect from God.
Isaiah 45:18-19 (New Living Translation)
18For the LORD is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos.
"I am the LORD," he says, "and there is no other. 19I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner so no one can understand what I mean. And I did not tell the people of Israel[a] to ask me for something I did not plan to give. I, the LORD, speak only what is true and right."
Hey, Sweet Thang! It's Esther from 3313. Just thought I'd check out what you had going here. I still have never heard of the ...E's of the world thing. I don't know. But I'm just an E of this world since I like to sign everything 'E' or 'Es'. ....yeh OK. But anyway, hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and everything! Take Care.
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