Location: Bellevue, Washington

I was inspired to start a blog by one of my friends...who became my best friend...and then became my husband! I sometimes write poetry and thought that it would look nicer on a blog than scribbled in my notebook. Eh-HEM...And more about me....I love God and try my best to love those around me. It isn't always easy, but hey! God knows, right?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Splish!! Splash!!

Current mood: contemplative
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Luke 12:8-9 (New Living Translation)

8"And I assure you of this: If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I, the Son of Man, will openly acknowledge that person in the presence of God's angels. 9But if anyone denies me here on earth, I will deny that person before God's angels."

Holy cow! So my pastor talked about baptizing and what it means and so on. Many people look at it different ways. THere are a lot of people really embarrassed to do it (they don't like to be pulled out of a crowd), some are embarrassed cuz they're ashamed of how they might look after they've been dunked under water, or they don't like their body and don't even want to dress up in a old shirt and shorts (you don't have to be in a bathing suit). Many Christians look at it as more of what the Bible means theologically through baptizing, in that, if you've confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved, and that baptism doesn't have to happen in order to be saved, but it's just more of a symbol/tradition.

Now I don't know if the latter is really all that wrong, well, I guess I didn't until my pastor (who didn't say that was wrong) brought up many verses that is says,.."and be baptized and you will be saved." Implying that you must believe, confess, and get baptized and THEN you will be saved.

But the best part of the sermon was when Curt (my pastor) focused it all on you heart, and how great of a declaration you would make for God in front of public, in front of some of the scariest people that you know. Would you testify to God's greatness? He also....Oh, before I continue, I must really make sure that you know that I'm a really horrible paraphraser, and I get things wrong a lot, but hopefully God can still use me. Continue: Curt also was saying that many people don't get opened to all of God's blessings, getting filled with LIFE because they are NOT exactly acknowledging their Lord with the way they live.

Many people were baptized young, as in younger than say fifteen, when at that point, one really must question what good was the baptism if the baptisee(?) isn't making a public acknowledgement to God for his/her own heart. Many people were baptized very young, some even as tiny babies, and now, years later they say, "ya, sure! I'm saved! I've been baptized," all the while they're out having pre-marital sex, lying, stealing, into pornography, and doing drugs in their day to day lives. Where's God?

So while baptizing is truly a VERY public display of acknowledging your Lord God, Creator of all, your Father, does it mean anything if you're not willing to acknowledge God in all that you do? Acknowledging Him at work, with your friends, helping someone out, smiling at a homeless person, shoot, giving them food, or in the way that you talk and act?

And you know what? I made the choice to get baptized when I was probably around 12 or 13yrs old...And I can honestly tell you that my mom had a alot to do with it. Yes, I made the choice, but then I got really embarrassed and wanted to back out of it, but mom was there. Unfortunately, being in your twenties is a lot different from pre-teen, and I definately could of chosen different things, you know, in the way of acknowledging God. There were many times that I failed miserably...So I can honestly say that I NEED to show baptism of my heart! I need a lot of work. And when Curt asked if any more people wanted to be baptized today....I was too embarrassed, and instead of following most of the church family to the lake after the service today, my husband I went and returned clothes to Old Navy, went to Home Depot and to Best Buy. I still have a lot to learn. Why am I embarassed? Am I embarrassed of God? Hmmm.....that's not good. And I'm a bit bothered about my hesitation.

God,, I have a disobediant heart! For Sure!!! I need help! I've forgotten Your Word and You wisdom and Your Love. I've forgotten to invest in You and me time. I need passion. Please help!

Yours truly,

Lucky Ga


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