Valentines Day

Today was just filled with cuteness! Josh had never really put that much enphasis on V-day, because the kids are hyper enough without candy...BUT I couldn't resist. Since I'm always with them, I know what kind of things they like cuz 15 mins. in a store, I've already heard, "I want this" probably 25 times. Amazing! How do kids do it? I can't even think of 10 things that I want right now...but if I had enough time, I'm quite sure I'd have a few things in mind!
Anyways (I'm super with tangents!) so last night I picked up a coupla things for the boys...stuffed animal that says, "I love you" on it, a card for each of them, and of course, a red cardboard box shaped like a heart with tiny chocolates in it. Since Josh and I have been married for 4 and 1/2 months, as their new mommy, I really want to make every moment special, and it's tons easier with holidays. I mean, nothing says " I Love You" to children like candy and toys, right? Man! I'm just nailing this mom thing down! ...hmmm...well, sometimes anyways.
These boys are getting used to a mommy around and I'm getting used to having them around me all the time. It's hard work and then God sneaks in these little blessings that make your...week! For an example, Justin (9yrs.) doesn't express emotion and out of no where, he says, "mommy I love you," as I walked by the couch. He's never said it first before, only expresses it if I do it first or if his younger brother, Shane (6yrs), says/does something. And the even more coolest thing is that he said it while he was completely fixed on his GameBoy!!!!....and one more, !...!!!(okay, I lied, 4 more).
Shane is constantly coming to me at random times to tell me that he loves me. In fact, I got a v-day card for him that said he loves me as high as the moon. **Last year his card to daddy said he loves him as high as a giant spider!** so cute!
Josh and I had our Valentine's date on Saturday (you got to do it when you can!). We went to an awesome restaurant and exchanged presents, came home and watched a movie. It was very nice. Tonight it's pizza and smoothies. Although, more sugar in these kids' tummies may be a bad idea! :^D Oh well.
Alrighty, I think I'm done. However, I really don't feel like spell-checking (yes, I'm really that lazy right now) so hope you can understand it.
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