
Wow! so much for keeping up with entering all of my journal entries into my blog! I tried, and then got so far behind...and then GOT ENGAGED!! Ya, I'm totally a slacker! My precious husband to be proposed to me a few weeks ago, and I didn't even enter it into my blog. BUT~at LEAST I wrote it in my journal, eh? Hmm..
Tons has happened. So many wedding plans + stepping into the "working mom" role since school started two 1/2 weeks ago = a LOT of stress. But you know what? God is way bigger than any of these problems; He called Josh and I into each others' lives, and therefore, no matter what happens, I will be married to Josh in less than three weeks! :) I can't wait! You know what's weird? My right eye has been twitching for almost 2 weeks now. It's so annoying! A long time ago, however, I did hear that eyes twitch when you're under stress. I don't know if that's true, but it seems to be happening to me. I hate it most when I'm at work with customers and co-workers. Although I am sure that no one can tell, I feel like I must be making some rediculous face. Oh well. It shall pass.
So tonight, Josh and I had our second (out of four total) pre-marital counseling sessions. Tonight's was a lot more interesting than last Friday's-it was more interactive. Curt, our pastor, gave a good illustration about how one of us is the sail of a boat, while the other is the anchor-> each painging a picture of who we are and how we hear God. Apparently, I'm the sail, catching wind and pulling in a direction to God's voice, while Josh is like the anchor, keeping us from picking up the wind too fast and getting carried away, outside of God's timing and direction. Basically balancing each other out. Curt also gave an analogy about peoples' personalities being either a dot or a spiral. The "dot" being very comfortable in who they are, knowing themselves very well, just being content and just being themselves, while the "spiral" has this inner knot thing, kind of a constant churhing within them that constantly has them changing, evolving, into something a little different, always trying to change and improve to meet an "ideal" that they have come up with for themselves--kind of always, or most often, restless and wanting to constantly (for example) hear God's voice (not that the spot doesn't) or......Hmmmm, Curt really explained it so much better. It's hard for me to put into my own words. But anyways, point being that we covered three different areas in tonight's meeting with our pastor, the third touching on verbal and non-verbal communication, and it was really good to talk about these things.
Anyways, if you're lucky, Josh will write something about it in one of his next blogs, more than likely explaining it 109% better than I just did.
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